Welcome to Triggy Trivvy!
Triggy Trivvy is a text based trivia board game written in Java that has questions from four of my many interests: music, cats, horror and opossums. This program was created as my final assigment (in replacement of an exam) for my grade 11 computer science course. Some of the programming skills that can be found in this project are iterations, classes, conditionals and much more. I was given a little under a month to complete this project, and with a lot of effort and concentration I had completed it within the given time. This project was very overwelming for me and it allowed me to not only demonstrate my programming skills but also my determination to not give up. This was the first big text based programming project that had ever been assigned to me, I'm proud of myself for how it turned out and I am even more proud of myself for the fact that there are no bugs within the program.
Here is what the inside of my project looks like. There are two classes, one called "Main" and another called "Square." I also have two text files, one containing the leader board information and another containing all the trivia questions and answers that get fed into the program. "Main" contains 782 lines of code and "Square" contains 85 lines of code. In total my program consists of 867 lines of code.